Sat 11 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
SÕ MÅNY ChÕiC€S •••► BUT NÕN€ Lik€ THIS •• ► Ab0ve 0®dinary - 23
(Las Cruces, downtown outcalls anywhere)
TODAY!-AUG 1st! Girls Gone BaD HOUSE PaRtY! * Buddy SpEciAl$30-donation only!GiRlS!GiRLS!giRls! - 27
(Las Cruces)
The Most Sought After Ladies in the World! Perfect 10 Ladies Need Only Apply. $12,000+ a week
(Clovis / Portales, Farmington, Las Cruces, Roswell / Carlsbad, Santa Fe / Taos, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
Mon 06 Jan
Ebony companion here to tease u!! Chocolate delicousness. Specials, specials!! - 23
(Las Cruces, las crucus)
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job. THIS IS A MUST READ!!
(Albuquerque, Clovis / Portales, Farmington, Las Cruces, Roswell / Carlsbad, Santa Fe / Taos)
Sun 05 Jan
—▓ ►BaDDest & FreAkeSt in Town —▓ ► THiCK ____★ Mixed Redbone★ Dont miss Out!!! - 23
(Las Cruces, las Cruces area)
Dont be all sad call JUICY REDD instead and let me put you to bed... - 22
(Las Cruces, las cruces in call/outcall.. all night)
trinkle trinkle lil star you shouldnt wait till tomorrow..*****$tar***** $pecial$ - 21
(Las Cruces, where you want me to be)
💖💕💗Hello 💕💖💗💕🐇💖Kitty💖🐇💕💗 💡24/7💡💓💞💕CuRvYlIcIoUs💖💗💕💟 SeXy💔💕💖💗💳 💞💟💓💕 SwEeT💗💖💕💕 - 37
(Avenida de mesilla, Las Cruces)
Sat 04 Jan
Make $2,500 per week with the World Leader in Adult, VIVID Entertainment ◄ ◄ ◄
(Albuquerque, Clovis / Portales, Farmington, Las Cruces, Roswell / Carlsbad, Santa Fe / Taos, Work From Home)
Fri 03 Jan